Supreme Court to hold public hearings in Edinburgh

Published 1st Mar 2017

The UK's highest court will hold public hearings in Scotland this summer - the first time it will sit outside London.

The Supreme Court is due to hear several appeals in Edinburgh over four days in June.

The list of cases to be heard is being finalised, but at least five of the Supreme Court justices are expected to travel north for the sessions.

Lord Neuberger, President of the Supreme Court, said: We make every effort to ensure our proceedings are accessible throughout the UK via our free live streaming service.

However, nothing beats being able to observe courts at first hand. We look forward to welcoming members of the public as well as lawyers during what is intended to be the first of a number of visits to the capital cities of the devolved nations.''

The court will sit in the City Chambers on the Royal Mile, the home of the City of Edinburgh Council.

Extensive'' public seating will be put in place for those interested in observing proceedings first-hand, officials say.

Proceedings are expected to be filmed and relayed live online in the usual way.

Court staff will also offer public talks about its work when the justices are not sitting.

Scotland's top judge Lord Carloway, the Lord President of the Court of Session, will sit alongside the justices to hear at least one appeal.

He said: The Supreme Court is the final court of appeal in the UK for civil cases. I am delighted that it will sit in Edinburgh later this year in the first of a number of planned visits to cities outside London.

I welcome the opportunity it provides for the public and the legal community in Scotland to see the court in action.''