Students flout rules as police break up 'numerous' parties in Edinburgh

They're supposed to be avoiding gatherings after virus outbreaks

Published 26th Sep 2020

Officers had to break up several parties at the University of Edinburgh's main halls last night.

Students are supposed to be avoiding gatherings - as well as pubs and restaurants this weekend - following outbreaks of coronavirus at campuses across the country.

No arrests were made or fines handed out at Pollock Halls of Residence though - which houses just under two thousand students.

The university has been approached for comment.

It is understood that at least one of the blocks at the halls has been put into "lockdown" following a confirmed case of Covid-19.

Police said officers had broken up a number of small parties of five to seven students with people who were "clearly not from the same household".

Universities in Scotland pledged last week to make it "absolutely clear" to students that they should not be holding parties or socialising with people outside their accommodation. They’ve also been told not to visit pubs or restaurants or to hold parties

Coronavirus laws in Scotland also forbid students from returning home as they are deemed to have formed a new household with those they are now living with.

Health teams are also dealing with a big outbreak among students at Glasgow University, where 172 students have tested positive.

In Dundee, 45 Covid-19 cases have now been confirmed at Parker House and one at Meadowside Hall - both Abertay University halls of residence

NHS Tayside said it was expecting the number of cases to rise. A number of Aberdeen University students have also tested positive.