Speeding down one year after cameras installed on notorious Edinburgh road

Author: Hope WebbPublished 4th Sep 2018

Speeding on a notorious Edinburgh road has reduced one year after the introduction of average speed cameras.

The system was put in to place on Old Dalkeith Road after a string of accidents.

Between 2013 or 2015 there were six accidents, three of which resulted in serious injury or death.

Now, new figures from police show two cars a day are recorded speeding on the road. That's compared to three of every five vehicles which were caught speeding previously.

East Safety Camera Unit Manager Inspector Vincent Fisher said: "Average Speed Camera systems have a proven record in reducing speeding and improving road safety. It was hoped the first installation of such a system in an urban environment would deliver the same results.

"It’s clear after the first full year of operation the system has encouraged a significant change in driver behaviour and I would like to personally thank all the drivers who use this route for considering their driving manner and helping to make the road much safer.

"Prior to the cameras being installed, less than 40% of the 15,000 vehicles a day which use the road were adhering to the speed limit. We now find that, on average, speeding offenders have been reduced to only two per day and in the last year nobody has been injured on the section of Old Dalkeith Road covered by the system."