Sixteen arrested for acting as gang 'cash mules'

Sixteen people have been arrested for apparently trying to make quick cash by acting as mules for criminal gangs

Published 2nd Mar 2018

Sixteen people have been arrested for apparently trying to make quick cash by acting as mules for criminal gangs. The group of 15 men and one women were caught after officers raided 5 premises in Glasgow and Edinburgh connected with money laundering.

They are accused of letting scammers use their accounts to hide money they've stolen through banking fraud. Fourteen of the men arrested were aged 16-33, one was 51, and the woman was 26.

Detective Inspector Graeme Everest, from the Unit, said: “Police Scotland will continue to target individuals who facilitate the movement of criminal funds through their bank accounts.

“These people are tools of the fraudsters and without their assistance the movement of criminal funds cannot be achieved.

“If you are approached and asked to provide your account numbers to another for this purpose then don’t. Your bank account is your responsibility and to allow criminal funds to move through your account is an offence under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002. The penalties for such an offence can include a sentence of up to 14 years’ imprisonment.”

The arrests were made as Police Scotland continues its campaign on money transfer fraud.

The #dontdropyourguard campaign warns the public to be alert after businesses and individuals across the country were scammed out of millions of pounds.

Anyone with any concerns can call Police Scotland via 101