Sir Rod Stewart shows off legs in fitness videos

The rock singer, 72, is seen sweating it out on exercise machines, lifting weights and enjoying some aqua aerobics

Published 5th Apr 2017
Last updated 5th Apr 2017

Sir Rod Stewart has showed his fans how he stays in shape in a series of fitness videos posted online.

The rock singer, 72, is seen sweating it out on exercise machines, lifting weights and enjoying some aqua aerobics in the videos his wife Penny Lancaster shared on Instagram.

Entitled “Rods fitness routine, round 1”, the first clip shows the star on an exercise bike before he tackles a rowing machine and a treadmill for one minute bursts.

He says: “Hi, this is Rod and many people have asked me how I keep myself fit and this is what I do, three or four times a week.”

Sir Rod then shows off his weightlifting skills in another piece of footage, captioned “Round 2”.

But the Celtic fan admits weights are not his favourite thing and soon puts them down to dash out on to his football pitch, yelling “yay!” and immediately scoring a goal.

Model Lancaster, 46, shared another clip with her 31,300 followers on the social networking site, showing Sir Rod and one of his sons working out in a pool.

She wrote: “A normal pool workout to keep fit for life (heart monitor on)!

“Who's keeping up with who! Not bad Sir Rod!”