Shaun Woodburn's dad says he has no choice but to take on Scotland's legal system

Kevin Woodburn is fighting for his son's killer to receive a longer prison sentence.

Author: Max SteelePublished 7th Dec 2017

The dad of Shaun Woodburn says the last thing he wants to do is take on Scotland's legal system but he feels he has to do it to win justice for his son.

The 30-year-old junior footballer was killed outside a pub in Leith last Hogmanay by a 17-year-old who was recently jailed for four years.

The teenager can't be named for legal reasons.

Nearly 70-thousand people have signed a petition calling for a tougher sentence but prosecutors have said the case does not meet the guidelines for the punishment to be classed as unduly lenient.

Shaun's dad Kevin told Forth News: "The last thing I want to be doing is fighting with the Crown, fighting with the Lord Advocate but we have no choice now.

"The law, the legal system, the judisciary have let us down.

"This fight is not something i'm willing to let disappear - basically any one of us could be Shaun Woodburn and any family could be in our position.

"Since we launched this campaign for an appeal 67-thousand people have come out and supported us.

"I feel morally obliged to continue this fight, not just on our behalf, but also on behalf of the people who have gone out of their way to support us"