Send in your selfie and become part of the Queensferry Crossing mosaic project

Transport Minister Humza Yousaf has called on the public to submit their images of the £1.35 billion structure

Published 27th Dec 2017

People are being reminded to send in their pictures of the Queensferry Crossing as part of a mosaic project.

Transport Minister Humza Yousaf has called on the public to submit their images of the £1.35 billion structure, which was officially opened by the Queen in September.

Frame the Bridge was launched in 2015, but entrants have until April 2018 to be part of the project.

Mr Yousaf said: "Frame the Bridge has been one of a number of innovative ways we've successfully engaged the public's overwhelming interest and identification with their new bridge.

"What better way to demonstrate this than create this interactive image of the bridge comprised of their selfies and pictures of their loved ones and friends.

"Well over 2,000 visitors and workers have submitted their selfies in the last two years or so.

"Such is the interest in the project, there have been 614 entries since the opening week back in late August and they are still coming in."

A Transport Scotland spokesman said options for displaying the final mosaic are being considered and more details will be announced in future.