Roadworks begin on the Queensferry Crossing

Southbound traffic is being diverted over the Forth Road Bridge until Wednesday morning.

Forth News
Author: Hope Webb

Road surfacing work on the Queensferry Crossing has begun, partially closing the structure for five days.

Southbound traffic is being diverted over the Forth Road Bridge until Wednesday morning.

15-metres of tarmac needs to be replaced to allow the speed the limit to increase to 70mph.

The five day programme is dependent on good weather conditions.

The snagging works started at 10pm Thursday night (30 Nov) , and are set to last until 6am on Wednesday (6th Dec).

We are told the works should only add a few minutes to journey times.

Transport Minister Humza Yousaf said: "Successfully completing this snagging work will allow the Queensferry Crossing to reach its next major milestone and operate at a 70 mph speed limit by the end of December.

"Snagging issues are normal with any major infrastructure project on this scale and complexity.

"The benefit of the gradual move to motorway status for the Queensferry Crossing is that it allows these essential works to happen with the least amount of disruption possible.

"It is important to also note this work is being carried out under the existing contract for the Queensferry Crossing and is therefore at no additional cost to the public purse.

"I would like to thank travelling public for their patience while the complex process of switchover is ongoing and in particular during these upcoming works.

"Utilising the Forth Road Bridge will provide Amey, the Forth Bridges Operating Company, with an opportunity for live testing on the emergency crossover points ahead of any requirement to use them in future.”