Review in to so-called car-dumping launched by Edinburgh Council

Author: Hope WebbPublished 3rd Aug 2018

A review in to so-called car-dumping throughout the capital is to be launched by Edinburgh Council.

The issue, highlighted by Forth News earlier, has seen large numbers of people leaving vehicles in areas such as Corstorphine in order to avoid parking charges at Edinburgh Airport.

Numerous residents have submitted complaints to the local authority following a rise in the problem.

Now the council will carry out a strategic review, highlighting six areas of the city where the problem is particularly bad.

Locals will be asked their thoughts and the idea of prioritised parking for residents will be considered.

Transport Convenor Lesley McInnes says: "These actions will be against a background of communities coming to us, asking us for assistance. We'll be able to define exactly what to do for each of those communities that will suit their circumstances."