Rangers fan fined and banned from matches after throwing coin at linesman

Published 13th Dec 2018

A Rangers fan who threw a coin at a linesman during a football match has been hit with a huge fine and banned from football matches for two years.

Stuart McGaughay looked shamefaced and embarrassed as he pled guilty to striking assistant referee Calum Spence on the head to his injury.

Although the 30-year-old’s cowardly attack was caught on live TV by cameras filming Livingston FC’s 1-0 win over the Old Firm club live at the Tony Macaroni Arena in West Lothian, he at first denied the charge.

But after he pled guilty at Livingston Sheriff Court emerged that after he handed himself in to the police shortly after the incident he admitted he was the culprit.

When charged with injuring the linesman he replied: “I didn't mean it. There was no intention, but I understand.”

Depute fiscal Kat Craig said the linesman had his back to the crowd of Rangers supporters during the match on Sunday 13 September when he felt something strike the back of his head.

He touched the spot where the object had struck him and realised he was bleeding. He suffered a 5mm cut to the back of his head but she said he did not require medical treatment.

The whole incident was caught live by cameras and, following widespread publicity, McGaughay, of Airdrie, handed himself in to the police on his own volition.

TV viewers watching the game saw the linesman appear to stumble before clutching the back of his head in pain. Referee Craig Thomson then halted play to allow for treatment on the sidelines.

Followers of the Ibrox outfit later rounded on McGaughay via social media, blasting the "idiot" and “absolute numpty” for his stupidity.

Donna Maitland, defending, said the experience of being charged and prosecuted had been “an eye opener” for McGaughay.

She told the court: “He was shocked at his behaviour and he;s very sorry about what happened.

“He tried to write a letter of apology to the complainer but was told he couldn't because of his bail conditions.

“His actions have had a profound effect, not only on the complainer but also on the accused himself, his fiancée and his family.”

She said McGaughay had lost his job as a delivery driver with a pharmaceutical company because of the court case but had since found a temporary post and was planning to work as a labourer offshore on an overseas contract.

She said: “He’s going to be working out of the country for the foreseeable future. He’s not got savings, everything is going towards his wedding next year.

“He’d be in a position to pay a financial penalty and compensation at £20 a week. I don't think a football banning order is strictly necessary.”

Sheriff Peter Hammond fined McGaughay ÂŁ900, saying the fine would have been ÂŁ1200 if he had been found guilty after trial.

He also made the thug subject to a football banning order for two years, not only barring him from any live football match in the UK and Europe but also preventing him from watching games in pubs and other commercial premises.

He told McGaughay: “This was a serious incident of disorder at a major sporting fixture which not only was an assault on the official concerned but also incidents of this kind are a particular concern because of the effect they have on others and the propensity to cause disorder.

“It's a matter the court takes seriously, but I take into account you have no previous convictions. I amo going to deal with this by imposing on you a financial penalty, but it will be a substantial financial penalty to reflect the seriousness of the matter.”

He said the banning order meant McGaughay could not enter any football ground anywhere in the UK or attend any FIFA or UEFA ties whether in this country or Europe.

He said McGaughay had to report to Coatbridge police station if requested and surrender his passport if police asked him to as well as notifying the Chief Constable of Police Scotland of any changes in his name, address or passport details.

He added: “I must warn you that breach of this order is a separate offence which in some circumstances carries a custodial sentence.”

McGaughay, who has persistently tried to avoid cameras, was smuggled out of court by his family.