Puppy Found Abandoned In Falkirk Lay-by Finds Home With Rescuer

Published 22nd Oct 2015

A puppy abandoned in a cardboard box at the side of a road has found a new home with the Scottish SPCA officer who rescued her.

The dog, named Minnie by staff at the charity, was discovered on the brink of death on September 4 in a lay-by in Falkirk.

Animal rescue officer Kirsty McQuade rushed the puppy to a vet for emergency treatment and said she fell in love with Minnie.

The dog could barely lift her head when first found but made a full recovery in six weeks with dozens of toys, blankets and treats donated by the public to help with her care.

Ms McQuade said she couldn't stop thinking about Minnie'' after rescuing her and eventually brought her home to live with her partner Kevin and their other dog Disco.

She said: It's a miracle Minnie is still with us as she was so poorly when she was found. She was so weak she couldn't even lift her head.

However, brave Minnie was showing signs of improvement after only a few days and around six weeks down the line is like a different wee dog. She is absolutely wild now and is doing great.

I couldn't stop thinking about Minnie after rescuing her and I'm so pleased I've been able to give her the loving home she deserves.''

Ms McQuade also adopted Disco after looking after her when she was a veterinary nurse. The SSPCA officer said the three-year-old loves'' having a new sister to play with in Minnie.

She added: Minnie's heartbreaking story captured the hearts of many and lots of items were donated for her such as blankets, toys, treats and dog coats, so I wish to thank everyone for their generosity.

Unfortunately we never received any information about who abandoned Minnie and we still can't comprehend why someone would leave a helpless puppy in such a callous manner.

Thankfully Minnie's story has a very happy ending and she now has a forever home where she will be loved and taken care of for the rest of her life.''