Police to revisit scene of indecent assault by kilted man

The attack happened during the early hours of Sunday.

Published 7th Oct 2016

Police investigating an indecent assault in Edinburgh are to revisit the scene of the attack.

A 19-year-old female was grabbed by a man and dragged into a garden area in Salisbury Place in the south of the city at about 3am on Sunday October 2.

The woman managed to fight off the attacker, who made off towards Minto Street.

The man is described as white, in his early 30s, 6ft and of large build with dark hair.

He was wearing a red kilt, calf-high boots and a dark Dropkick Murphys'' hooded top with the band's name on the chest and their skeleton bagpiper emblem on the back.

Officers believe the man visited the Marchmont Takeway on Marchmont Road some time between 7pm and 9pm on Saturday October 1 before walking along Newington Road towards Salisbury Place.

Police will be conducting inquiries within Salisbury Place, the Cowgate and Grassmarket during the early hours of Sunday, a week on from the incident.

Officers would also like to speak to seven people who were seen walking in front of the man along Clerk Street onto South Clerk Street at about 2.47am on October 2, minutes before the offence happened.

The people were in three separate groups, with the first consisting of two males and a female.

One of the men was wearing a dark-hooded top, dark jeans and had dark hair while the other was wearing cream trousers, a dark-coloured coat with distinctive toggles and a light hood and glasses.

The woman was wearing a maroon hooded-top with a light emblem on the chest and light-coloured jeans. The second group was a man and woman, with the male wearing a t-shirt with the world Club'' on the chest, dark skinny jeans and light shoes.

The female had shoulder-length blonde hair and was wearing a dark jacket, dark jeans and ankle boots. Two other women were also seen in the area, with one described as wearing a fake fur headband.

Detective Inspector Julie Marshall said: So far the public response to our appeal has been tremendous and we've received a number of calls that have been really useful in helping us reach this stage of our investigation.

However, we've yet to receive that one vital piece of information that helps us identify the suspect and I firmly believe that this answer lies within the community.

I am confident that someone knows this male and is aware of them being out within the capital last Saturday evening while wearing this distinctive clothing.''

Anyone with information can contact police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, where information can be given anonymously.