Police release picture of knife used in Fife sex attack

It happened in Methil on January 29

Published 13th Mar 2019

Police investigating a serious sexual assault of a woman in Methil have released a picture of the knife used by the attacker.

It happened at around 8pm on Tuesday January 29, as the 20-year-old woman was walking along Herriot Crescent and onto Kirkland Road.

There, she was confronted by a man, who threatened her with a knife, took her to waste ground near Laird Avenue and attacked her.

The knife was recovered from the scene by police, who hope it will lead them to identify the man responsible.

Detective Inspector Stuart Morris from the Public Protectio Unit in Fife said: "While the public response to this incident has been very encouraging, we have not yet identified the man responsible and it is imperative that members of the community help us bring this individual to justice.

"As you can see, this is a very distinctive knife which may have been bought individually or as part of a set, which could now be missing one from the collection.

"Do you, or someone you know, own a set like this, which is missing a knife? Do you know someone who you've seen in possession of a knife like this? If so, then please contact police immediately.

"A young woman was subjected to a very serious attack and I would urge anyone who believes they may have information to search their conscience and get in touch with us as a matter of urgency."

Those with information are asked to contact Fife's Public Protection Unit via 101, quoting incident number 3508 of 29 January.

Alternatively, an anonymous report can be made to the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.