Police make fresh appeal in Saima Ahmed death probe

The London woman's remains were recovered in Edinburgh exactly one year ago.

Published 11th Jan 2017

Police investigating the death of a woman whose body was found about 400 miles from her home say they are determined to get her family the answers they seek.

Officers made the commitment as they issued a renewed appeal to the public for information about the unexplained death of Saima Ahmed a year after her remains were recovered from a location on the outskirts of Edinburgh.

The 36-year-old's body was found near the city's Gogarburn Golf Club on January 9 last year and fully recovered two days later.

The librarian was reported missing from her home in Wembley, London, in August 2015 and her family say they have no idea why she would have travelled to the Scottish capital.

To date, no suspicious circumstances surrounding the death have been discovered.

Officers are urging anyone who might have information that can help establish why Ms Ahmed was in Edinburgh to come forward.

Detective Chief Inspector Martin MacLean, of Police Scotland, said: I am determined to provide Saima's family with the answers they crave and whilst, at this time, I have no evidence of any criminality, I still do not know why Saima travelled to Edinburgh, where she was intending to visit or whom she planned to meet with.

I thank those who have helped us thus far but I believe someone out there will have seen Saima during her time in the city or knows why she visited the capital, and I would ask that person, or persons, to contact police immediately.

In addition, anyone with any further information at all relevant to this ongoing investigation is also asked to get in touch.''

Ms Ahmed's brother said it has been difficult to find closure'' following her death.

Sadat Ahmed, who appealed for information last year on the anniversary of his sister's disappearance, said at the time: She was a very loving and caring person. We were a very close family and she would do anything for anyone.

We've been struggling since - it's been difficult without having any answers and it's been difficult to find closure and move on.''

Ms Ahmed is thought to have travelled by train from Wembley to Edinburgh on August 30 2015.

Police believe she died close to the time she disappeared but post-mortem examinations have resulted in an ''unascertainable'' cause of death.

She had no known links to Edinburgh and her relatives were unaware of any friends or contacts she might have had in the area, or any plans to travel to Scotland.

A report has been sent to the procurator fiscal. Anyone with information can contact Police Scotland on the 101 number.