Police Hunt After Alley Sex Attack

Police are hunting a man who sexually assaulted a woman in an alley near a nightclub in West Lothian.

The attack happened outside Grand Central nightclub in Livingston, at about 3am on Sunday.

The 24-year-old woman was approached by the man and assaulted in an alleyway, police said.

The suspect is black, about 6ft, slim and with dark dreadlocks. He was wearing a blue top.

Officers are appealing for anyone who may have seen the man or witnessed anything to contact them.

Inspector Samantha Ainslie said: "We treat all reports of sexual assault very mseriously and are currently pursuing various lines of enquiry to find the perpetrator.

"We're appealing for anyone who witnessed the incident, who saw the suspect around the time of the incident or who knows who he is to come forward.''