Nicola Sturgeon to unveil plan for manufacturing centre of execellence

Published 14th Feb 2016

A centre of excellence for manufacturing is to be created as part of a plan to ensure a sustainable future for the sector.

The centre will help industry and higher and further education institutions work together to stimulate innovation, improve productivity and increase investment in the Scottish manufacturing sector, the Scottish Government said.

It is part of a wider programme titled A Manufacturing Future For Scotland which will also promote science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects and push engagement between industry and education.

The Government said the centre has a focus on working with companies to assess the benefits of new technologies and equipment and supporting their implementation among small and medium sized manufacturing groups.

The First Minister is to confirm the plans during a visit to Glenhead Engineering in Clydebank on Monday.

Nicola Sturgeon said: 'There should be no doubt about the importance of our manufacturing industry - which employs around 190,000 people in Scotland - to our future success. This plan will reaffirm our commitment to grow and invest in the sector and to ensure its long-term competitive future. We will outline ways to help businesses better access, exploit and keep pace with new technologies and opportunities, further support Scottish companies to achieve supply chain excellence, and promote innovation.'

She added: 'These actions will enable the sector to improve productivity and business performance, providing a better long-term future and enabling it to compete internationally.'