New rules aim to bring in mandatory qualifications for head teachers

New regulations will be launched at Holyrood as ministers aim to introduce mandatory qualifications for head teachers.

Published 10th Dec 2016

New regulations will be launched at Holyrood as ministers aim to introduce mandatory qualifications for head teachers.

Education Secretary John Swinney said such a change would ensure schools have ''highly-skilled empowered leaders'' who will ''help ensure the highest quality of learning and teaching''.

It comes after Scotland's schools produced their worst-ever performance in the Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa) rankings, with performance in reading, maths and science declining in comparison to other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries and UK administrations.

Scotland had been ranked above the OECD average for reading and science in the 2012 table and was average in maths, but the 2015 results showed it is about average for all three subjects.

Now, the Scottish Government has announced regulations to introduce mandatory qualifications for head teachers will be published on Monday, the same day that a consultation gets under way.

If the move is approved, new head teachers will have to gain a Standard of Headship award - being developed by the General Teaching Council for Scotland - before taking on such a position, with the change due to come in in August 2019.

It will not be made retrospective, so head teachers who are already doing the job will not be affected.

With the Scottish Government planning on giving some money for raising attainment directly to schools, Mr Swinney said the new qualification would also ensure heads have the ''leadership skills and support they need to grasp the opportunities of increased devolution in education''.

The Education Secretary said: ''Effective leadership is one of the most important aspects of the success of any school. Highly-skilled, empowered leaders will help ensure the highest quality of learning and teaching, which makes a direct difference to young people and society. Strengthening professional leadership was a key recommendation of the OECD's independent review of Scottish education and the changes we are proposing in this consultation will do just that.''

He added: ''At the same time, our proposed changes will give education authorities flexibility to deal with any individual local circumstances, particularly in relation to temporary appointments. I urge everyone with an interest in this matter to have their say before the consultation closes on March 20 2017.''