Your New Flatmates?

Are you moving to uni soon? Well fear not, we have compiled a list of all the types of flatmates you can come across!

Published 3rd Sep 2014

Untitled Document ! Students are flocking to the city about to start their first year at uni and, for most, this is their first time away from home. If you're one of the many that is just about to the fly the nest and settle into halls or a flatshare, then you may need to prepare yourselves for what living with people who aren't your parents is like. You thought your Mum lost the plot when you didn't do your dishes? That's nothing compared to the wrath of an uptight student the day before hand-ins. Living with a bunch of people your own age can be awesome, but you need to choose your flatmates carefully. If you're moving into halls, that's something that's out of your hands, but you won't live in halls forever, so use your years there to suss out future housemates. Here's a list of some of the types of flatmate you may befriend, despise, or even become in the coming months:

The Messy Ones:

Messy flatmates are the most common type of terrible flat mate, and my God are they hated. I know this because I am a messy person, and I'm pretty sure my flatmate wants me dead. The thing about messy people is, it's not that we don't know we're messy, and it's not that we don't care that you're mad at us about it, it's just we're too lazy to do anything about it. Sure, I COULD tidy the living room, but I'm already 9 years behind on Prison Break and I need to catch up before I hear spoilers. So a word of warning, if you're a neat freak and you're considering moving in with someone who mentions that they can be quite messy, expect the mess. Don't think that because they know you're tidy they will make an effort. Because even if they try their hardest, they will cave, and crumble into a pile of their own filth.

! ### The Ones Who Leave Notes:

Where there is a messy flatmate, there is someone following with a pack of post-its and a sharpie. That small, yellow square with "CLEAN YOUR DISHES" across it will haunt your dreams. And will it make you do your dishes? Not a chance. No one likes a person who leaves notes. In fact, I'd even go as far as to say the note leavers are worse than the messy ones. Messy people are brilliant procrastinators, and all that post-it does is makes them complain about how annoying the note is. So no matter how deserving of a note they are, avoid being that guy. If you want someone to tidy up/use a coaster/stop peeing on the floor, say it to their face.

! ### The Food Thieves:

This seems to be a big problem in Halls. The food thief is either too poor or too lazy to shop, so they take your food instead. Write your name and empty threats on your Rustlers quarter pounder as many times as you want, that's no deterrent from your resident hamburglar.

The Babied Ones:

It's awesome if up until now your Mum has done everything for you, but you better learn how to load a washing machine, and quick. Your new flatmate is not a replacement parent, and they are not going to respect someone who doesn't know how to do simple tasks like washing a plate.

The Loud Ones:

Maybe you're single, maybe you're in a relationship, either way, if you end up bringing someone back to your flat for, um, "Extra Curricular Activities" (is that a discreet enough euphemism?) try to keep the noise down. Even if your flatmate is super happy that you've found someone to partake in Extreme Cuddling with you, they still won't want to hear you shouting about it...and if they do want to hear that, then they're probably not the kind of person you want to be living with.


The Partying Ones:

When it's time to party they will always party hard. And loud. They'll lose their keys. They'll paint the bathroom with their vomit. They'll spend the next day feeling sorry for themselves and preaching that they're never ever drinking again, before deciding to get back on it an hour later.

! ### The Scrounging Ones:

Moving out is expensive. The party student lifestyle is also expensive. But if you miss paying rent or bills because you've spent all your money on going out then you are officially the worst guy ever. If you're not paying bills, your flatmate will need to and there is nothing more frustrating than bailing someone out, then realising they had the money, they just didn't want to spend it. Friendships can crumble as soon as money gets in the way, so make sure you budget, and as boring as it may sound, make sure bills come before booze. (Food is also important. You should probably leave enough money for food as well.)

! ### The Film Buffs:

Nothing better than a flatmate whose bedroom is like a pre-liquidation Blockbuster store. More titles and genres than you could even name, and far more respectable than your own collection of Adam Sandler DVDs. The film buff is a great flatmate to have as not only do they have every film released, but they also know, and tell you, every fact about whatever you're watching. Sure, you couldn't care less about half the facts you find out, but one day you'll use that info to blow everyone's mind during a pub quiz.

The Bakers:

I think this one is pretty self-explanatory. If you bake cakes, people will like you. (Unless the cakes are rubbish…that will just make everyone awkward.)

The Anti-Social Ones:

More of a myth than a mate, the anti-social flatmate confides in their room to the extent where you start to question their existence. Usually a gamer or some sort of internet addict, you're lucky if you get a few words out when you pass them in the kitchen.

The Pranksters:

Pranking people has come a long way since the simple days of putting cling film over the toilet bowl. Nowadays students are trying to come up with bigger and better ways to prank each other. More extravagant, visual pranks which make for awesome YouTube videos, like this one.... (we've had to edit this and re-upload it again as there was a touch of inappropriate language for this page! The original belongs to Tom Flanagan's Youtube Channel. Enjoy!


Living with people can be difficult, but it can also be so much fun. Especially when you find a group you get along with. Flatshares and halls can be an amazing experience, and one you are unlikely to have again. So, just like you do with your family, try to look past little things that annoy you and just enjoy the company of all the different types of flatmates you'll meet.

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