LISTEN: New campaign to get 'Grace's Sign' in Scotland's schools

Grace's Sign
Author: Hope Webb

A 12-year-old East Lothian girl - recognised for creating a sign to raise awareness of hidden disabilities - is launching a campaign to get them placed across Scotland's schools.

Grace Warnock, from Prestonpans, has Crohn's disease and created a sign called 'Grace's Sign'. It highlights the need for those with invisible disabilities to also use disabled toilets.

She was recognised at Holyrood for her work and the sign has now been implemented in places such as Edinburgh Airport and Fort Kinnaird Shopping Centre.

The idea came after she faced criticism from members of the public and staff when she tried to use disabled toilets.

Now she wants schools across the country to use the signs and make pupils potentially suffering from hidden illnesses more comfortable.

Grace shared her new goal exclusively with Forth News, she said: "We want the signs in schools so that young children can grow up with the message not to judge and to have a heart. I think it's really important.

"It does help to use a disabled toilet cause you've got everything there. If you've got a stoma bag there's shelves in a disabled toilet so it's nice to just not be judged if you have your own little space.

"It's quite scary but exciting to see the sign get recognised, cause it's in places I go quite often and with companies that I never thought would have it."