New Air Route To New York For Edinburgh

Published 21st Nov 2014

New summer flights between Edinburgh and New York have been announced by American Airlines.

The new daily service to JFK airport will begin on May 7 next year and run until September.

The flights will depart Edinburgh at 9.15am and arrive in JFK at approximately 11.45am local time.

Edinburgh Airport said it is the first time an American Airlines aircraft will touch down at Scotland's busiest airport following its merger with US Airways.

Gordon Dewar, chief executive of Edinburgh Airport, said: New York is one of the most famous cities in the world and one of our most popular international destinations. We're confident that this new service will be a hit with Scottish passengers, both for visitors to the Big Apple and those travelling to onward destinations across America.''

Scottish Transport Minister Keith Brown said: Scotland and the USA share close cultural and historic bonds and this service will only serve to strengthen them, giving Scottish companies a direct link to America's biggest city and making it even easier for American visitors to experience our wonderful tourist offering.''

Scotland Office Minister David Mundell said: Opening doors for Scottish business across the globe is vital and this new route will help enhance Scotland's economic growth.''