Memorial football match planned to pay tribute to tragic Fife teens

Ethan King and Connor Aird
Author: Hope WebbPublished 3rd Dec 2018
Last updated 3rd Dec 2018

A memorial match is to be held to pay tribute to two Fife teens killed in a crash last month.

17-year-old Ethan King died in the collision on Standing Stanes Road near Kirkcaldy on November 11th.

17-year-old Connor Aird, who was a passenger in the car, died a week later in hospital.

Now friends and former football teammates are organising a charity game to raise money for the families of the pair.

Organisor and friend Marco Valente told Forth News: "They were always having a laugh. Ethan was notoriously clumsy, always falling about. Connor was always up for a good time and the pair loved spending time with friends.

"We want to raise as much money possible for the family. We hope we can play in the way the boys would have wanted to and just have a good time. It's a celebration of their lives and we're playing the game both boys loved."

You can get more details of the match here: