How many words for snow do you know?

Us Scots have more than 421 words for snow

Published 23rd Sep 2015

Us Scots have more than 421 words for snow (more than the Inuits), we've picked a few of our favourites for you! How many of these did you know?

Snaw Snow, the substance, viewed either as falling flakes, or as the layer of these formed on the ground.

Brak A layer or deposit of snow.

Cavaburd A thick fall of snow.

Fann A drift or wreath of snow.

Scowtherum A slight shower.

Shimmer A light shower of snow.

Flindrikin A slight snow shower.

Fluther A flurry, a confused fluttering mass, as of snow.

Spitters Small drops or flakes of wind-driven rain or snow.

Peuchling o' snaw A scattering, a light fall or continual drizzling of snow.

Feefle To swirl.

Skiffer A slight fall of snow.

Skiffie A slight or flying shower of rain or snow, a drizzle, a fleeting patch of wet mist.

Katty-clean-doors A child's name for snow.

Snaw-pouther Fine driving snow.

Clag A lump.

Ree A wreath of snow.

Unbrak The beginning of a thaw.

Smirr A fine rain, drizzle, occas. also of sleet or snow.

Snaw/snawis An instance of snow.

Feevl Light fall or thin covering of snow.

Feuchter A slight fall of snow.

Flaffin A thin fall of snow .

Storm Quantity of rain or snow resulting from a storm.

All these can be used to describe a snowflake!

Flaffin(g), Flauchin, Flaucht, Flauchter, Flechin, Fleuk, Flicht, Flok, Snaw-flake, Snaw-flauchen, Snow-flake

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Callum Gallacher

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