Man guilty of murdering man outside Hearts FC supporters club

Author: Hope WebbPublished 8th Aug 2018

A man has been found guilty of murdering another man leaving a fundraising event in Edinburgh.

24-year-old Nico Allan attacked 44-year-old Mark Squires outside a Hearts FC supporters club near Longstone Road in the capital.

He repeatedly punched and kicked Mr Squires before hitting him with a glass bottle.

Allan had denied murdering Mr Squires in the attack in October last year but was found guilty of the crime.

His co-accused 25-year-old Aiden Welsh was acquitted of the murder after at jury at the High Court in Edinburgh returned a not proven verdict in his case.

A judge told first offender Allan: "By the verdict of the jury you have been convicted of the murder of Mark Squires. The sentence for murder is a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment."

But Lord Tyre said he would also have to fix the length of the term father-of-one Allan must serve in jail before he becomes eligible to apply to parole authorities for release.

The judge called for a background report to be prepared on Allan ahead of sentencing next month and remanded the killer in custody.