Man Found With Serious Injuries In Bannockburn

Police in Forth Valley are appealing for information after a 28-year-old man was found to have suffered significant injuries in the Hillpark area of Bannockburn.

Published 6th Sep 2015

Police in Forth Valley are appealing for information after a 28-year-old man was found to have suffered significant injuries in the Hillpark area of Bannockburn.

The 28-year-old was found yesterday at around 5.10pm in Hillpark Drive having suffered injuries to his neck and leg.

It's understood that the man sustained his injuries at another location in Bannockburn. He was taken for to Forth Valley Royal Hospital where he was released after treatment.

Police are treating these injuries as suspicious and now believe the man has been assaulted.

It is a known that several members of the public came to assist the man and officers are now eager to speak to them.

Inspector Jim Young said: “This man suffered serious injuries and we are eager to establish how he was wounded.

“We know that several people came over to assist this man in Hillpark Drive after he had sustained his injuries, we would ask to speak to them as soon as possible.

“Anyone with any further information regarding this matter is asked to contact Police Scotland immediately.”