Man charged with murder of Darren Adie in Kirkcaldy

51 year old due in court tomorrow

Published 23rd Jun 2016

A man has been charged with the murder of a father-of-two found dying in a Kirkcaldy street - two days after his shattered parents made an emotional appeal to catch his killer.

Darren Adie was left dying in Kirkcaldy's Tweed Avenue, in the town's Gallatown area, shortly after 6.45pm on Saturday May 28.

Today (23rd June) police confirmed a man had been arrested and charged over the death.

A spokesman for Police Scotland's Fife Division said: "A man has been arrested and charged with the murder of Darren Adie in Kirkcaldy.

"The 51-year-old is scheduled to appear at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court on Friday 24th June."

John Adie, 68, told a press conference that Darren's two brothers and sister had been left "devastated" by his death and that it had "ruined their life".

He added: "My whole family was brought up in Gallatown - it's full of good people who would have known Darren all his life.

"His life has been taken and I will never see his kids grow up.

"Our family have lost a brother, son, nephew and uncle.

"His kids - a son aged seven and a daughter aged nine - have lost their father.

"Just imagine what his kids will feel growing up knowing that their father was murdered and left lying in the street.