Man bailed after court appearance related to death of baby girl

Sophia Williams died on June 5 at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh.

Published 29th Oct 2016

A 21-year-old man has appeared in court charged with murdering a three-month-old baby. Traherne Eifion Williams is accused of murdering Sophia Williams from Broxburn, who died on June 5 at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh. Williams made no plea or declaration at his private appearance at Livingston Sheriff Court on Friday. He was committed for further examination and released on bail. An 18-year-old woman who was arrested in the case has been freed from custody pending further inquiries. A Crown Office spokesman said: "The procurator fiscal received a report concerning an 18-year-old woman in connection with an alleged incident said to have occurred on May 30 2016.

"After full and careful consideration of the facts and circumstances of the case, she was liberated from custody pending further inquiries and did not appear in court.

"The case against her remains live and under consideration."