Man who abused young girls at Edinburgh care units jailed

Gordon Collins committed a string of offences, including rape.

Published 29th Jun 2016

A former council care worker was jailed for six years today (29th June) after committing a catalogue of rape and sexual abuse against vulnerable youngsters being looked after in Edinburgh.

Gordon Collins abused his position to groom troubled children before molesting them at two children's units in the capital over an 11-year period from 1995.

Collins (59) of Wolsley Avenue, Bonnyrigg, in Midlothian, was finally brought to justice after a police cold case review sought out former residents in the homes.

At the High Court in Edinburgh, a judge told him: "You have been convicted by the jury of an appalling course of criminal conduct consisting of predatory sexual abuse of four young girls in your care."

Lady Wise pointed out that Collins had singled out victims for treats, outings or attention before exploiting them.

"All were extremely vulnerable and you were in a position of authority and trust to each of them," said the judge.

"You have shown no remorse for your actions and continue to deny responsibility for the offences while your victims continue to live with the consequences," she said.

Lady Wise said: "Your behaviour is classic of what is now termed grooming."

The judge added: "I accept you have been assessed as a low risk of sexual recidivism due to your age."

She told Collins that he would be on the sex offenders' register indefinitely following his conviction for the crimes.

Collins was earlier found guilty of indecency offences against four underage girls and the repeated rape of one of them.