Lothian bus drivers to strike during Edinburgh festival

Published 27th Jul 2019
Last updated 27th Jul 2019

Bus drivers in Edinburgh are to go on strike from the first day of the Fringe Festival on Friday, it has been confirmed. It comes after a last-minute deal, which included a 2.7% pay rise and new measures to address concerns over bullying, was rejected by drivers at Lothian Buses.

Last month, union members voted for strike action ahead of talks to resolve a dispute over a "hostile'' culture at Lothian Buses.

According to the union, the dispute has stemmed from poor workplace relations at the firm.

On Friday, Lothian Buses tweeted: "We are disappointed to inform you that union members have voted for continuous strike action from 2nd August, despite a second deal being agreed with Unite for a significant package including an increase in pay and other benefits.

"This means buses may not run or operate on a significantly-reduced basis.

"Our customers remain our absolute priority and we are doing everything we can to achieve a resolution.

"We will minimise disruption where possible."

Unite regional industrial officer Lyn Turner said: "Unite's 1,700-strong Lothian Buses membership has democratically voted to reject the latest offer from management.

"There has been progress made in our negotiations through Acas but yesterday's vote is testimony to the fact that this was never about pay.

"The depth of feeling from our membership about the toxic management culture speaks for itself.

"Our members have considered the latest offer too little and too late. Unite remains committed to finding a resolution to the dispute and our door remains open for talks but as things stand the action will go ahead on August 2."