Lochgelly girl Ava Stark to undergo life-saving bone marrow transplant

After a worldwide search two donors have been found for Ava.

Published 18th Nov 2016

A little girl from Lochgelly is to undergo a life-saving bone marrow transplant after a successful donor appeal.

Three-year-old Ava Stark has a rare blood condition and was left heartbroken previously when two donors pulled out due to medical reasons.

A worldwide appeal was launched after that and over 20,000 signed up to the bone marrow transplant register through The Anthony Nolan Trust.

After searching through their systems the group was able to find two new genetic matches for Ava.

The little girl is now under chemotheraphy in preparation for the transplant next week.

Sharing the good news on social media, Ava's Mum Marie Stark said: "We got the call the other day. We should have been excited and screaming, jumping about. Something inside us just felt like it was too good to be true. We never even told family as we didn't want them to get all excited for anything to happen again. Having it whipped away at the last minute would destroy us.

"Yesterday she started her first ever round of chemotherapy. I have no idea what the next few months hold, all we know is that Ava will have this nailed.

"I can't from the bottom of my heart thank everyone enough for their help in sharing Ava's story in a bid to find her another hero. I will be eternally grateful."