LISTEN: US missile strikes create 'dangerous unpredictability' in Syria, say SNP

US cruise missile strikes have introduced "dangerous unpredictability" into the Syrian conflict, Alex Salmond has warned.

USS Porter (DDG 78) firing a tomahawk land attack missile from the Mediterranean Sea
Published 7th Apr 2017

US cruise missile strikes have introduced "dangerous unpredictability" into the Syrian conflict, Alex Salmond has warned.

The SNP's foreign affairs spokesman said the action taken by US President Donald Trump following chemical weapon attacks was "no substitute for a policy towards ending the conflict".

The former first minister said attacking a chemical weapons base "can be justified in international law" but did not provide a solution to the crisis in itself.

He said: "Such strikes should take place only after detailed examination and assessment of the storage facility and the delivery mechanism.

"They should also be part of a collective effort to place the use of chemical weapons and nerve agents beyond the pale of conflict and crucially they should also be part of a considered strategy to bring this ruinous multi-layered Syrian civil war to an end.

"In this case the cruise missile strike seems to dramatically reverse the previous stance of the Trump administration which was to partner Russia and tolerate Assad.

"Thus, there is now further and dangerous unpredictability introduced into a conflict of which America is now at the centre, both in confronting Assad and with troops on the ground among the forces gathering for the assault on the last Daesh stronghold of Raqqa."

SNP MP Stephen Gethins - who sits on Westminster's Foreign Affairs Committee - says a global effort's needed to bring the conflict to an end:

Mr Salmond warned the UK Government that if it chose to back US action "whatever" it could struggle to "keep up with the twists and turns of the Trump administration".

He continued: "President Trump has a political interest right now in humiliating his predecessor and in distancing himself from Russia. The UK has no interest in either, with only this week the Foreign Secretary attempting to reset UK/Russian relations.

"All of this is no substitute for a real policy to end the tragedy of the Syrian civil war.

"That should include UK action now on humanitarian aid including air drops, reinstatement of the Dubs amendment on bringing in unaccompanied child refugees with preparation made now for future collective action on weapons inspectors and peacekeeping forces to stabilise the country post conflict.

"Our role should be helping the international efforts on conflict resolution as the First Minister outlined earlier this week at the United Nations."