LISTEN: MEP describes frantic search for St Andrew's students after Brussels attacks

Scottish MEP, Ian Duncan, has desribed his frantic efforts to find a group of students from St Andrew's University in Brussels, after a series of explosions in the city this morning.

Published 22nd Mar 2016

Scottish MEP, Ian Duncan, has desribed his frantic efforts to find a group of students from St Andrew's University in Brussels, after a series of explosions in the city this morning.

Twin blasts hit Zaventem airport at 7am, killing 11 and injuring 81, Belgium's health minister said.

Another explosion struck Maelbeek metro station an hour later with 20 people killed, the Brussels mayor said.

At the time of the attacks, a group of 12 students from St Andrew's University were exploring the city centre, before they were due to get a tour of the European Parliament by MEP Ian Duncan.

That meant that when the explosions took place, MEP Ian Duncan was left frantically trying to trace there whereabouts.

They have now all been accounted for, and are taking shelter in a local hotel.

We spoke to him about his experience today.