LISTEN: Interview With Ian Murray As He Steps Down As Director Of The Foundation Of Hearts

Published 27th May 2015

The Foundation of Hearts today announced – with regret - that its chair and director, Ian Murray MP, is to stand down from the FoH board.

Listen to his first radio interview since the announcement as he speaks with our reporter Shiona McCallum:

The decision was taken by Ian Murray following the recent General Election. In his letter to his fellow directors which he wrote “with a very heavy heart”, he explained: “Since my re-election I have taken on a number of senior responsibilities that will reduce the spare time I have available to dedicate to other interests. I have, after much soul-searching, taken the decision that the FoH requires a new chair and director that can give maximum attention to continuing to grow the membership and preparing the organisation for full supporter ownership.”

He goes on to express his satisfaction at what has been achieved by the Foundation, the supporters, and the club over recent years. “I’m very proud to have been part of a team who helped to own the history and shape the future,” he comments. “Generations of future Jambos who put their hard-earned money in to save the club will look back on these times and say ‘we did that’.” He also pays tribute to the supporters, to Ann Budge, and to everyone associated with the Foundation of Hearts.

He concludes that his involvement with FoH has been “one of the greatest pleasures and privileges of my life.”