LISTEN: Backlash Over Edinburgh Council Decision To Ban E-Cigarettes In City's Play Parks

Published 15th Sep 2015

A local councillor has spoken out against a decision by Edinburgh Council to ban e-cigarettes throughout all of the city's playparks.

It's part of a ban that includes regular cigarettes also.

'No smoking' signs will be displayed at children's outdoor play areas, school playgrounds, car parks, and entrances to city-owned buildings.

A spokeswoman for the City of Edinburgh Council said: “Smoking is one of the biggest causes of premature death in Scotland, and the Council recognises its role in protecting the health and wellbeing of the city’s citizens. This updated policy recognises that non smokers, including children, don’t have a choice when it comes to protecting themselves from passive smoking in public places.

“The use of electronic cigarettes has been included in the refreshed policy in line with the other organisations who are supporting the Scottish Government’s document on tobacco control. The World Health Organisation also published a report last year raising concerns about the effects of e-cigarettes on youths and pregnant women.”

But Leader of the Conservaites at Edinburgh Council, Cameron Rose, says there is no scientific proof that e-cigarettes are harmful, and should not be included in the ban.

Listen to that interview here: