Kira Noble: Tumour "successfully" removed in NYC surgery

'Kira The Machine' Facebook Page
Author: Hope WebbPublished 24th May 2018

An Edinburgh teenager, who became the centre of a huge fundraising campaign, has had successful life-saving surgery in New York City.

14-year-old Kira Noble has a rare form of cancer and had been told by doctors in the UK that an operation performed by a leading surgeon in the US was her last hope.

A fundraising campaign was started to make it possible and members of the public raised over £450,000 in order to do so.

The teen jetted off to the States on Monday and entered surgery yesterday (Wednesday).

Her Mum Aud Noble posted this update on her facebook page 'Kira The Machine': "A post op meeting with our NY surgeon took place at 18:45 here and confirmed that all her tumour was taken out successfully after 6.75 hours of surgery.

"Obviously a follow up scan will take place to clarify this news and more treatment will be put in place to deal with any remaining microscopic cells that could be hanging around. I cannot describe my feelings as being relieved - it's more a case of I believed in this all along.

"I believed in the skills of this surgeon and felt confident in his unsurpassable skills in resecting challenging tumours . My unfaltering confidence remained with me all day long -my hope and my belief remained strong throughout.

"So so happy and proud to share with you amazing people this fantastic news that you all made possible with your fundraising efforts to help us make it here to NYC.

"#KiratheMachine always aims high ; thinks big and reaches for her dreams . She will be delighted to learn that surgery was a success after travelling all the way to NYC in the middle of her third journey with Neuroblastoma.

"Thank you to our home Oncologist for supporting us in this decision and to all our Edinburgh Medical Team. Can't wait to see Kira in PICU any minute - her surgeon has given her the incredible news and he tells me that she smiled."