Kira Noble given all clear by doctors following US surgery

Author: Hope WebbPublished 15th Jun 2018

Edinburgh teen Kira Noble has been given the all-clear by doctors following life-saving surgery in the US.

The 15-year-old was at the centre of a huge fundraising campaign which raised over £450,000 in order to send her to New York for the operation earlier this month.

Kira has been battling neuroblastoma for the last four years and was told by doctors in the UK there was no more that could be done for her.

But following surgery at the hands of a world-renowned surgeon she has now been told her scans have returned normal.

The teenager is now recovering at home in Edinburgh before she undergoes further preventative chemo next week.

Posting on her 'Kira The Machine' facebook page, her loves ones said: "Feeling ever so thankful to our amazing New York surgeon and his incredible team who did this .....and to each and every one of you who collectively raised funds to make this possible. The word "thank you" just doesn't cover it."