Holyrood launches inquiry into school leavers’ pathways

Students say that they are told more about further education than work experience or apprenticeships

Published 10th May 2018

MSPs are to examine whether schools offer enough information about work, apprenticeships or college after a survey revealed many young people feel that university is prioritized over other options. Holyrood's Education and Skills Committee is opening a new inquiry looking at the experiences of pupils moving into the world of work and further education, building on an online survey of people aged 15-24 in Scotland.

Of the 895 people who took part, 60% said they were told more about how to get into university than other options such as work, college or training programmes.

More than two thirds (67%) of respondents thought this was because it was “what the school thought most people would do next”.

Work experience was the most common support recognised as on offer (70% of respondents), while less than half (48%) agreed that their school offered life skills support.

Comments provided by respondents suggested that many felt university was prioritised at the expense of other options.

Through its inquiry the committee will examine the advice given to young people in school to ensure that information is available on all pathways.

Convener James Dornan MSP said: “Deciding what to do when you leave school is one of the most difficult and challenging decisions we ask our young people to take.

“For many people, their path will be clear, but for others there will be uncertainty about what the future holds. What is crucial is that young people are supported in making these decisions.

“University is just one choice for young people. Our committee wants to make sure that those choosing work, apprenticeships or college are given the same quality of information about these options to let them pursue the right path for them."