Hearts call for clearer communication from UEFA following fixture change fiasco

The date of their Europa League qualifier was changed twice

Published 23rd Jun 2016

Hearts have appealed for clearer communication from UEFA after suffering two fixture changes for their opening Europa League game.

The club welcomed being away in their first leg against Estonian side Infonet before the June 30 clash was switched to Tynecastle hours after Monday's draw.

And the second leg was moved forward 24 hours the following day, affecting fans who had moved quickly to book flights and accommodation.

A Hearts statement read: Having been assured that all deliberations of the competitions committee had been concluded, and decisions taken were final, we released this information to our supporters.

No further communication was received from UEFA to the club prior to them issuing their finalised list of fixtures, which showed that a further change had in fact been made, moving our away leg from Thursday 7th to Wednesday 6th. This change was made without any reference to either Hearts or indeed FC Infonet.

As a result of these discussions, the club has requested that the Scottish FA make representation to UEFA, recommending that the communication process between participating clubs, their national associations and UEFA be reviewed and improved moving forward.

The club considers its communication with supporters to be of the utmost importance. In this instance the club can only repeat its apologies for the inconvenience that these events have caused and trust that supporters will recognise that we did everything possible to provide timely and accurate information to our supporters, including sending representatives to Nyon.''