470 Scots need to give blood every day before Xmas

Published 4th Dec 2018

There's a plea to give the gift of life this festive season as hospitals try to build up life-saving stocks of blood in the run-up to the festive season.

The Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service says 470 of us need to give blood every day in December to meet demand over the Christmas holidays.

The service aims to maintain a five to seven-day supply of each of the eight different blood groups at all times.

It is asking current donors to ensure they know their blood group and come forward now.

SNBTS is also looking for new donors, particularly those under the age of 45.

Lynne Willdigg, associate director of donor services, said: "As Christmas Day is a Tuesday this year, traditionally one of our strongest collection days, we are asking donors to come forward now to ensure stocks continue to build in the run up to the public holiday.

"We would also love to welcome new donors. Forty-seven per cent of active donors in Scotland are age 45 or over so it is important younger people start giving blood to meet the needs of our ageing population.

"As you can start giving blood at age 17, we are reaching out to all younger people to encourage them to think about giving blood now.''

Anyone over the age of 17 in good health and weighing more than 7st 12lb could potentially become a blood donor.

To register or find out where your nearest donation session is call 0845 90 90 999 or visit www.scotblood.co.uk