Funniest joke of the Fringe revealed...

"My dad suggested I register for a donor card, he's a man after my own heart."

Published 23rd Aug 2016

A gag about heart donation has been named the funniest joke of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

Comedian Masai Graham, scored the top comedy prize, whose previous winners included Tim Vine, Zoe Lyons and Rob Auton.

Graham, from West Bromwich, scored the ninth annual award for Dave's Funniest Joke of the Fringe after 27% of respondents backed the line: "My dad suggested I register for a donor card, he's a man after my own heart."

Jokes from sets during the festival were shortlisted by 10 comedy critics before 2,000 voters picked the winner.

Graham said: "It's an incredible honour to land Joke of the Fringe. Not bad for someone from West Brom!"

Comedian Stuart Mitchell came second with 25% of the vote with his line: "Why is it old people say 'there's no place like home', yet when you put them in one..." Steve North, general manager of Dave, said: "The Fringe is renowned for being the best place to spot new and emerging comedy talent, and although there are some returning contenders in our top 10 this year, there is a high volume of new talent which is very exciting to see."

And here are some of the past winners;

2015 - Darren Walsh: "I just deleted all the German names off my phone. It's Hans free."

2014 - Tim Vine: "I've decided to sell my Hoover … well, it was just collecting dust."

2013 - Rob Auton: "I heard a rumour that Cadbury is bringing out an oriental chocolate bar. Could be a Chinese Wispa."

2012 - Stewart Francis: "You know who really gives kids a bad name? Posh and Becks."

2011 - Nick Helm: "I needed a password eight characters long so I picked Snow White and the Seven Dwarves." 2010 - Tim Vine: "I've just been on a once in a lifetime holiday. I'll tell you what. Never again."