Free late night trains for Hogmanay party

Charges are being dropped on services from midnight until 5am on 1st January

Published 20th Oct 2016

There will be a tram running every twenty minutes after Edinburgh's Hogmanay party - and they'll be free.

Charges are being dropped on services from midnight until 5am on 1st January to make it easier for revellers to get home.

All of the trams will call at Ingliston Park and Ride.

There will also be extra staff working at the main stops and on board to help passengers.

Lea Harrison, General Manager of Edinburgh's Trams, said: "Edinburgh’s Hogmanay celebrations are amongst the best in the world and we’re delighted to be working alongside Unique Events who deliver this outstanding programme year after year.

"It’s important to us that everyone who comes to the capital for the bells is able to make the most of their night and that’s why we’ve decided to help by offering this extended free service for the night."

The trams will run alongside nightbus services, also free, which last year helped 18,000 revellers get home after the bells.

150,000 visitors from over 80 countries are expected to arrive in Edinburgh for the Hogmanay celebrations, with the street party alone likely to attract around 75,000 people.