Former soldier who raped young girl in Polmont and Bo'ness jailed

Published 25th Apr 2017

A former soldier who was arrested for rape after his victim covertly recorded conversations with him years after the assaults took place has been jailed for nine years.

John Johnstone, 50, had no clue that the woman was using her phone to tape him when he admitted having sex with her "numerous times".

The High Court in Edinburgh heard how Johnstone - who completed two tours of duty in Bosnia with the Royal Corps of Singals - apologised to the woman during a conversation between the pair.

The ex prison officer then admitted he had sex with her during a second covertly recorded chat.

Johnstone was convicted of abusing and raping the girl when she was aged between two and 11 at houses and a park in Polmont and in the nearby town of Bo'ness between June 1980 and March in 1990.

He had spent his trial last month claiming he was innocent of all charges. Following conviction, Johnstone was remanded in custody and sentence was deferred for reports into the retired squaddie's character.

Judge Michael O'Grady QC heard that Johnstone had suffered psychological trauma as a consequence of serving in Bosnia and working in the prison service.

But judge O'Grady told Johnstone that he had no other option to but to send him to prison.

Passing sentence, judge O'Grady said: "The depravity, wickedness and dreadful breach of trust which this charge represents are all too clear.

"So too is the damage you have done to a child and the woman she has become.

"You will understand that only a significant sentence of imprisonment can reflect the gravity of your crime. It will be one of nine years."

Johnstone was also placed on the Sex Offenders Register.