Five Year Jail Term For Leith Links Rapist

Published 14th Jul 2015

A CALLOUS thug who raped a vulnerable sex worker at Leith Links has been jailed for five years.

Faizan Ali pounced on his 29-year-old victim - who cannot be named for legal reasons in November 2014.

The High Court in Edinburgh heard how the 24 year old was on the Sex Offenders Register at the time he attacked her.

Ali threatened the woman with a knife, and demanded money.

When she told him she didn't have any, he launched his devastating attack.

A jury had heard evidence from the woman who wept in court as she relived her ordeal.

She told the court how Ali's actions had left her feeling "violated and scared."

On Tuesday, judge Lord Burns also ordered Ali to be supervised by the authorities for three years following his release from jail.