Fife pensioner locked up for grooming underage girls

Published 23rd May 2019
Last updated 23rd May 2019

A 77-year old man from Leven has been jailed for three years for grooming two young girls.

The High Court in Glasgow heard how Harry Canning gave the teenagers , aged 14 and 15, ciggarettes and money in exchange for sex.

The pensioner pleaded guilty to two counts of sex with minors at his home, between 2016 and 2018.

He would message the victims through Facebook and was only snared a year ago when one of the girls reported him.

Judge Johanna Johnston said the OAP's actions will affect the youngsters for the rest of their lifes.

“You groomed valuable young girls got them into your house gave them intoxicants all for your own sexual gratification.

“It was humiliating for these girls and damaging. The effects are likely to be long-lasting."