Festival funding praised by Fringe boss Shona McCarthy

She's praised the Scottish Government's funding for local talent.

Published 15th Aug 2016

Edinburgh Fringe chief Shona McCarthy has praised the Scottish Government's continuing funding for local talent.

The Scottish Government gave ÂŁ590,000 to the Made in Scotland Fringe stream from its Edinburgh Festivals Expo Fund in 2015/16.

It brings the total funding for the local talent showcase to ÂŁ4.3 million since 2008.

Ms McCarthy, chief executive of the Fringe Society, said: The Edinburgh Festival Fringe provides an ideal outlet for new, emerging and established artists, directors and performers to showcase their outstanding talent.

We are delighted that the Scottish Government's Edinburgh Festivals Expo Fund recognises that our festivals are a unique asset for Scotland.''

The Expo Fund is worth ÂŁ2 million this year, and more than ÂŁ17 million since 2008.

Speaking ahead of a speech to a Made in Scotland reception, Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop said: The Scottish Government's ÂŁ17 million investment in the Expo Fund demonstrates our commitment to culture.

I recognise and applaud the continued success of Made in Scotland.

It allows artists, from across Scotland, to showcase their work on an international platform which builds their careers and enhances Scotland's reputation as a creative nation.''