Falkirk Man Jailed For Rape And Murder

Published 7th May 2015

A wholly depraved'' man who murdered a young mother and raped two others as she lay dead has been jailed for life.

Steven Mathieson, 38, stabbed 23-year-old Luciana Maurer 44 times after inviting her to his home in Falkirk.

He then called two other women, aged 22 and 26, to his house and repeatedly raped them.

The pair managed to escape and ran from the house to seek help.

Sentencing Mathieson at the High Court in Livingston today, Lord Bannatyne jailed him for life and ordered him to serve at least 22 years behind bars.

He said Ms Maurer must have been terrified'' during the attack, which happened on December 4 last year.

In his sentencing statement, posted on the Judiciary of Scotland website, he said: "Your actings have deprived her parents of their daughter and deprived a young girl of her mother.

The lives of these people have been devastated by what you did.

"However you did not stop there. You had also invited two other young women to your house.

"When they arrived, you subjected them to a sustained, degrading and terrifying attack

"Throughout this attack they must have feared for their lives.

"Your actings can only be described as wholly depraved.''

He said the only explanation for these terrible and senseless crimes'' was that Mathieson had taken a lot of cocaine, which he had taken on many occasions before.

However, the judge said this did not provide mitigation. Mathieson pleaded guilty to rape and murder charges at an earlier court appearance, police said