Falkirk man who assaulted and sexually abused girls and women jailed

James Moore's catalogue of offences spanned two decades.

Published 20th Dec 2016

A man who carried out a catalogue of physical violence and sexual abuse spanning two decades was jailed for seven and half years today.

James Moore preyed on child victims at houses in West Lothian and the Falkirk area as he subjected girls to sex acts.

The High Court in Edinburgh heard that Moore (63) still maintained his innocence after he was convicted of 10 charges of indecency, assault, breach of the peace and attempted rape.

A judge told Moore, formerly of Thornbridge Square, Falkirk, that there was no alternative to a custodial sentence in his case.

Lord Kinclaven said: "In effect the sentence of the court in respect of all of these charges is one of seven and a half years imprisonment." Moore was also placed on the sex offenders' register.

His offending began in the early 1970s when he carried out a sex act on a girl, aged between six and eight, at a house in Blackburn.

He also committed a breach of the peace over a 14-year period up to 2000 at houses in Whitburn, and at Carronshore and Bainsford, in Falkirk, by shouting and swearing, throwing drink and food at walls and smashing windows.

Moore also assaulted a woman during the same period by repeatedly punching and slapping her on the head, kicking her and poking her with a finger.

He further tried to rape the woman at a house in Carronshore in 1989 when he lay on top of her and ignored her when she told him to stop.

Moore also beat a girl with a belt from the age of eight and went on to molest the child and carry out sex acts on her when she was aged 13.

He subjected a second girl to physical violence hitting her on the head and body with his hands and began sexually molesting her when she was 10.

Moore had originally faced a further charge of raping the woman he was found guilty of attempting to rape, but that was withdrawn by the Crown. Moore's violence against victims continued up until 1994.

Defence counsel Lorenzo Alonzi said: "He maintains his denial of these offences, but he does accept the verdict of the jury."

He added that Moore also accepted that "the inevitable sentence will be a custodial one".

He said the offences were all historical and although Moore had a very minor record he had no outstanding cases.