Experts investigate whale's death after it washes up in East Lothian

It's thought to be the same mammal spotted off the coast of Fife a few weeks ago

Author: John CallanPublished 23rd Apr 2019

The body of a young humpback whale has been found washed up on a beach in East Lothian.

The 9-metre-long mammal was discovered on Tuesday morning at John Muir Country Park, near Tyninghame.

It had been entangled in some rope and is believed to have died shortly before it was found.

Experts believe it is the same one which was spotted in difficulty off the coast of Fife last month.

An East Lothian Council spokeswoman said investigations will be carried out into the cause of death once the water is at low tide and it can be taken away.

People are being asked to stay away from the remains in the meantime.