EXCLUSIVE: New Sick Kids hospital opening delayed until May 2018

Published 10th Aug 2017

The opening of the new Sick Kids hospital at ERI is to be delayed until at least May 2018.

It's the second time the project has been delayed. It was originally meant to be up and running this Autumn.

NHS Lothian said the migration of staff to the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, which was expected to take place in February or March 2018, will not now happen before May.

The health board could not confirm a date for the opening to patients.

The hospital was previously due to open in autumn of this year but was delayed after two of the companies working on its construction entered administration.

Jacquie Campbell, NHS Lothian chief officer for acute services, said: "We are revising our internal staff moving dates to ensure that all services move in a safe and effective manner.

"We anticipate the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People, Department for Clinical Neurosciences and Child & Adolescents Mental Health Services will open to patients in spring 2018, however until we have the revised migration timetable agreed these dates cannot be confirmed.

"This is a huge project and it's vital that the building is fully operational before it opens to ensure we provide the best possible care to all our patients.

"Staff are being kept up to date with any developments on moving dates.''

Scottish Conservative health spokesman Miles Briggs said: "Families deserve answers and clarification from both NHS Lothian and the Scottish Government about the reasons behind this delay and I will be seeking these on behalf of constituents.

"The SNP Government's handling of this whole project - which it claims is one of its flagship infrastructure investments - has been incredibly poor from the outset, having originally indicated a new hospital could be ready by the end of 2012.

"Since then we have seen delay after delay and this is unacceptable.'