EXCLUSIVE: Edinburgh Mum to apply for medicinal cannabis license for son

Karen Gray
Author: Hope WebbPublished 19th Jun 2018

An Edinburgh mum has exclusively told Forth News she is to apply for a license for medicinal cannabis for her son who suffers from severe seizures.

Karen Gray's 5-year-old son Murray has a rare form of epilepsy which means he can suffer from up to 20 serious seizures a day.

She has now told Forth News that she will apply to get him medical cannabis to treat the condition.

It comes after the UK Government granted licenses to two children in two high-profile cases in England.

The Home Secretary also announced that a review in to the use of medicinal cannabis for medicinal use will take place.

Karen Gray told Forth News: "It would make the world of difference and hopefully it would stop all of the seizures like it has for other children. He would be able to go back to school, go to birthday parties, he's missed out on so much.

"I think this is needed now, it's about time this happened. It's been proven that medical cannabis does help people so it's about time that we had something in place to allow people to access it.

"I have spoken to my MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton and he is going to speak to the Health Secretary Shona Robison to see how I go about getting the license and getting it quickly."