Exam Bosses Admit Higher Maths WAS Too Hard

Published 4th Aug 2015

Scotland's exam bosses have admitted that this year's Higher Maths test was too hard, but they say the marking was adjusted to make sure no students have been disadvantaged.

Jill Stewart of the Scottish Qualifications Authority told Forth News, "In the case of new Higher Maths, it did turn out to be more difficult than intended so the grade boundaries were reduced."

Thousands of worried students voiced their concern on social media after the exam.

The admission from the SQA comes as nearly 143,000 young people across Scotland receive their results.

The pass rate for the new Maths Higher was 70.8%, similar to that of previous years.

Pupils sat the new Highers for the first year and National 4 and 5 qualifications for the second year, which were brought in as part of the Curriculum for Excellence reforms.

Figures from the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) show that there were a record 156,000 Higher passes this year, up 5.5% on 2014.

Education Secretary Angela Constance said: "This is another strong performance by Scotland's young people.

"They have worked hard and I congratulate each and every one of them, as well as the families and carers and teachers and lecturers who have provided support.

"Scotland has seen record numbers of Higher and Advanced Higher passes.

"Students are performing particularly well in English and in modern languages.

"Despite concerns about the new Higher Maths exam, it's clear that the system worked, that candidates have been treated fairly and that standards have been maintained.

"The checks and balances in place ensure that students who would have gained a particular grade in a qualification in any previous year will still have done so at the same grade this year."